Advanced MRI and Ultrasound procedures for the benefit of the athletes
Main focus of sports medicine in competitive athletes and professional sport is on return to competition. The primary imaging modalities to assist the clinician are MRI and ultrasound as most injuries of the athletes are muscle and joint related. Esaote’s MRI and Ultrasound systems can assist in the clinical and functional assessment of the athlete for a better estimate of recovery times and the final evaluation of the return to competition.
Furthermore, MRI and Ultrasound imaging can play an important role in the overall evaluation of the athlete regarding identification of the risk of re-injury and cardio performance evaluation and monitoring.
Thanks to a new technique called "HyperDoppler", with standard echocardiography systems, sports medicine physicians can obtain measurements regarding pathologies like e.g. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy next to the possibility to verify the global heart function.
MRI & Ultrasound Meeting for Sport Medicine experts
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Welcome & Introduction to the meeting
Prof. Fabio Pigozzi
President of International Federation of Sports Medicine
MRI and US in Sports Medicine: the power of both imaging methods
Dr. Alejandro Rolon
Medical Director of Himan Diagnostico and Imaxe, MSK imaging and sport clinic Buenos Aires, Argentina
Applications of Weight-Bearing MRI in Sports Medicine: Spine and Knee
Prof. Kai Vilanova
Director MRI Clínica Girona Director School of MRI-ESMRMB Girona, Spain
Dynamic WB Hip MRI in professional athletes
Prof. Silvana Giannini
Radiologist, Villa Stuart Sports Clinic FIFA Medical Center of Excellence Rome, Italy
US-MRI combined study in Sport Trauma: Upper and Lower Limbs
Dr. Paolo Minafra
MSK Radiologist Health Director Affidea Bologna, Italy
Arthroscopy Treatment of Shoulder Instability in professional athletes
Prof. Giovanni Di Giacomo
President of SIAGASCOT Rome, Italy
Shoulder Trauma in Sport Medicine
Prof. Giuseppe Porcellini
Director of the School of Specialization in orthopedics and traumatology UNIMORE, Italy
The role of Dynamic and Weight-Bearing MRI for surgical planning of Sport Trauma
Prof. Giuseppe Monetti
Head of Diagnostic Imaging Ospedali Privati Riuniti Nigrisoli Bologna, Italy
The role of advanced Echocardiography in differentiating physiologic and pathologic ventricular hypertrophy
Dr. Antonello D’Andrea
Chief of Cardiology Umberto I Hospital Salerno, Italy
ACL tears associated "hidden-lesions" of the Knee. You only find what you are looking for
Dr. Riccardo Ciatti
Orthopedic surgeon, Villa Stuart Sports Clinic, FIFA Medical Center of Excellence Rome, Italy
The Athlete standpoint
Mara Santangelo
First italian to win a Grand Slam
A former professional tennis player, she won 9 singles tournaments and 23 doubles tournaments in her career. She won Fed Cup in 2006 and Roland Garros in 2007, becoming the first Italian ever to win a Grand Slam tournament in doubles. She was President of the Athletes' Commission of the Italian Tennis Federation and representative of the athletes for the CONI National Council. Today she is on the board of CONI Lombardia.
Venue Location
The event was held in the historic locations of the University of Rome “Foro Italico”. Site of the 1960 Olympics Game, World Athletics Championships in 1987 and the FIFA World Cup in 1990, Foro Italico is today the home of the University of Rome entirely dedicated to sport and still the venue for international events. Foro Italico is considered the Temple of Italian sport thanks to the presence of the Olympic Stadium, Stadio dei Marmi, and the swimming complex decorated with precious mosaics on the walls.
Università degli Studi di Roma "Foro Italico"
Piazza Lauro de Bosis, 15 - 00135 Roma
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