• 3rd Edition of MRI & Ultrasound in Veterinary Medicine

    An outstanding program with several internationally recognized speakers sharing their research studies and clinical cases both on small animals and equines.

    A unique opportunity for MRI and Ultrasound veterinary users, to gain and exchange knowledge of best practices and advancements in diagnostic imaging techniques.

    VET Meeting
  • Meet the xpert

    Esaote has always been in step with scientific advancements in veterinary ultrasonography and our continuous dedication has compelled us to develop state-of-the-art tools for supporting everyday veterinary clinical needs.

    With the support of our worldwide network of Key Opinion Leaders and with a desire to share this knowledge, we are pleased to present a periodic review of special clinical cases.


    Meet the xpert - Read more

    slide 04 / Meet the expert
  • Think outside the box, think Esaote MRI

    Over 25 years of innovation in the field of Dedicated Musculoskeletal MRI creating cost-effective systems that provide outstanding image quality, easy of use, flexibility, last but not least, a comfortable patient experience.

    Over 25 years of innovation, the key to success of doing MRI the different way.


    The Voice of your Vet colleague - Read more

    VET VoC
  • Join the Global Leader in Veterinary Imaging

    Offering the perfect products in terms of quality, functionality, price, service, and education, combined with a deep understanding of veterinarians’ needs, guarantees our top position in the veterinary imaging market.

    Please challenge us with your imaging, ultrasound, and/or MRI needs in your daily practice or specific projects.

    We would love to be your imaging partner.

    vet slider 01
  • Join the Global Leader in Veterinary Imaging

    Esaote is the pioneer in ultrasound and MRI in the veterinary field. Esaote has over 30 years of market leadership and is a preferred supplier for veterinary practices, clinics, and research centers, and also for many zoos and wildlife institutions.

    We would love to be your imaging partner.

    vet slider 02




in veterinary world

Our VET Solutions




in veterinary world

Our VET Ultrasound Solutions


Download VET Ultrasound Solutions for Equine - Leaflet



Veterinary Care


Small Animals

Small Animals

Only the best care is good enough for pets. Esaote Veterinary helps the veterinarian by providing the best diagnostic imaging...

VET Ultrasound for Small Animals
VET MRI for Small Animals



Diagnostic imaging of horses is essential nowadays to be able to tell the owners about the condition of their animals...

VET Ultrasound for Equine
VET MRI for Equine

Farm Animals

Farm Animals

When monitoring the reproductive status and checking the general condition of farm animals, ultrasound is the first choice for vets.

VET Ultrasound for Farm Animals

Food Industry

Food Industry

Esaote Veterinary’s imaging systems provide food producers and processors with adequate tools to control and regulate their products...

VET Ultrasound for Food Industry



Exotics like birds, small mammals, and reptiles also deserve optimal imaging conditions. The ultrasound systems...

VET Ultrasound for Exotics
