Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries.
MyLab<sup>™</sup>Class C
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MRI Systems

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MyLabClass C: Discover The Power Of Touch

Your Comfort With A Touch

Whenever physicians think of a high-level cardiovascular and general imaging ultrasound systems, they ask for up-to-date platforms, with high-performance and advanced on-board technologies as well as simplicity and ease of use. MyLabClass C has been designed based on these key concepts to deliver a reliable diagnosis, and ensure every day productivity. With just one glance, you will understand how MyLabClass C‘s simplicity has never been seen on such a high-level ultrasound scanner.

MyLabClass C: Performance, Simplicity And Ergonomics With A Single Touch

High performance does not always mean large and stationary systems. A particular effort has been made to reduce size and increase the new MyLabClass C’s ergonomics. This has led to a compact and agile system, which is easy to move and is able to adapt to any kind of environment, including most critical ones such as interventional and operating rooms. The height-adjustable and rotating keyboard, as well as the multiplane-articulated monitor arm, allow for optimal positioning at all times.

Opti-Light: High-Performance Optimized Lighting

Optimal lighting has always been a crucial factor for ultrasound imaging. The latest LCD Monitor Technology allows images to be clearly displayed under any condition. MyLabClass C also introduces an additional unique feature: Opti-Light. This feature, thanks to a light point behind the monitor, allows the operator to control the room's lighting level directly from the system, through the especially designed controls located on the touch screen. Optimized working conditions increase users’ comfort and improve patient care.

High-Quality Touch Screen: Completeness With A Touch

The large high-quality touch screen is well positioned near the most important working area of the control panel. This touch-screen allows all mode-dependent parameters to be clearly displayed and changed with one simple touch.

iQProbes: A Wide Range Of High-Tech Transducers

The primary component in the Signal Processing Chain leading to the final ultrasound diagnostic image is the transducer. The material design and technology employed to manufacture an ultrasound transducer are the key factors in determining the system’s image quality. iQProbes represent Esaote’s state-of-the-art Technology thanks to its innovative gold standard ultrasound transducers. Designed to improve performance and ergonomics, iQProbe Technology is based upon:

  • Innovative Active Matrix Composite Material
  • Multiple Adaptive Layers Solution
  • Structure Filling Material Manufacturing Process
  • Intelligent Geometric Lens Manufacturing Process

Integration With A Touch

Data management is very important today, both for users' comfort and patient care. Esaote offers an efficient solution for any need and any environment, ranging from stand-alone workstations up to complex modular architectures.  MyLabDesk represents a flexible way to connect your MyLab to the PC, easily! MyLabDesk is Esaote’s answer to its user’s need for a simple and straightforward way to archive, review, post-process, report or print their MyLab examinations on a PC from the comfort of their (home) office or while travelling. MyLabDesk provides the means to increase workflow and productivity in private offices, as well as in clinics and hospital departments.

  • Archive, Review And Post-Process Examinations Performed With The MyLab Ultrasound Systems
  • Import Esaote Native File Formats (UAF And EAF Raw Data) Via USB, CD/DVD And Network
  • Perform General And Application-Specific Measurements
  • Review, Change And Print The Examinations (Reports And Images)
  • Export Data Using PC’s Standard Features, I.E. Burn On A CD/DVD, Email, Etc

The use of Contrast Agents in the USA is limited by FDA to the left ventricle opacification and to characterization of focal liver lesions.
ElaXto quantification is not for sales in the USA.
QAS is not yet for sales in the USA.
Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only. For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.

Features insight

Advanced Technologies For Any Clinical Solution

MyLabClass C innovative characteristics allow the system to be placed in any environment, always providing easy, fast and reliable access to diagnosis and data sharing.
Prevention and quantification in Cardiovascular Imaging are easily available with a touch: the prevention suite with RFQIMT, RFQAS, XStrain, CFI advanced technologies and state-of-the-art iQProbe allows the best clinical approach to diagnoses. In General Imaging up-to-date CnTI Contrast Tuned Imaging for contrast media procedures, HD CFM and XFlow, High Frequency Image, X4D technology, Virtual Navigator and ElaXto-Elastosonography cover any clinical need.

Click the image to view Esaote Advanced Technologies Images

Imaging Processing: Esaote offers many technologies for imaging enhancement. With TEI the harmonic signal is fully preserved without degradation of the acoustic information. MView and XView improve quality of ultrasound images by reducing the presence of artifacts, shadowing and speckle.

CnTI - Contrast Tuned Imaging for contrast media procedures: CnTI, Esaote’s revolutionary technology, in combination with latest generation ultrasound contrast agents, provides impressive clinical results due to precise micro-bubble detection. The very low applied acoustic pressure, allows the bubbles life time to be increased, for a clear identification of arterial and late phase. The very high probe sensitivity and low level of noise and artifacts bring precise diagnosis, both for lesions detection and characterization. A contrast-dedicated quantification tool is also available.

HD CFM and XFlow - Extraordinary flow sensitivity and spatial resolution: Color Doppler sensitivity and resolution are very important in the assessment of blood flow, especially for flows with limited dimensions and velocities. HD CFM technology helps the user define the right setting to obtain the maximum clinical information. In case of particular diagnostic processes in which morphological information are more important than the hemodynamic itself, XFlow delivers clear pictures with reduced artifacts, and less-important insonation angle dependence.

Click the image to view Esaote Advanced Technologies Images

High Frequency Image: Esaote's historical leadership in High-frequency Imaging delivers an unexpected level of details in any application in which superficial images are required. 22 MHz transducers, XView, MView, ElaXto and X4D, as well as "A Universe under the mm" package are just few examples of the technological potential of the MyLabClass C. The clinical results are simply astonishing, leading to new research fields and new levels of diagnosis. Advanced technologies such as ElaXto and X4D are implemented not just as additional qualitative information, but as important quantitative packages to deliver an objective and fast diagnosis.

X4D Technology: The advanced 3D/4D package takes advantage of innovative ways of visualizing conventional 2D ultrasound images through sophisticated algorithms and is able to deliver outstanding 3D/4D volume reconstructions. Measurements of length, surface, perimeter, diameter and angle as well as volume areas in the multi-dimensional display, allow both quantitative analysis and qualitative acquisition. A link to a special database file includes all personal data sets.

XLight - A New Era in Volume Imaging: The new XLight technology guarantees to immediately reach amazingly realistic volumetric images also with very difficult to scan patients, both for gynecology as well as obstetrics exams. Lack of amniotic fluid, baby stage or position are no longer a barrier for providing a wonderful memory of the pregnancy. XLight provides the maximum volume rendering for all the clinical needs.

Click the image to view Esaote Advanced Technologies Images

RFQIMT - RF-based Quality Intima Media Thickness for early detection of cardiovascular diseases: RFQIMT targets the measurements of blood vessel thickness in an area of the Carotid artery selected for investigation. Its ease of use, combined with real time quality feedback, helps the operator achieve accurate and reproducible results. The measurements (even when taken at different examination times) can be reported on a normalized graph displayed with plot indicators that will assist physicians in their diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

RFQAS - Quality Arterial Stiffness for early detection of cardio-vascular diseases: RFQAS targets the measurements of blood vessel stiffness in an area of the Carotid artery selected for investigation. The blood vessel’s wall stiffness is expressed in brachial blood pressure and accurate measurements of diameter and change in diameter. Local blood pressure at the site of the ultrasound measurement is also supplied. Local blood pressure and stiffness are derived as  quantification results based on sophisticated clinical studies.

Click the image to view Esaote Advanced Technologies Images

Auto adjustment and measurement: Doppler profile quantification is an important issue in cardiology as well as vascular ultrasound examinations. Once the volume sample has been placed and the Doppler trace is displayed on the monitor, the user will be able to select the real-time assessment of all key clinical parameters by enabling the ADM function. When working with freeze-frame mode is preferred, you can still trace Doppler contour and track maximum, mean or minimum values automatically. Features like EF Calculation and ADM (automatic measurement) provide quantification of important clinical parameters in a short time. This allows for faster screening and accurate patient management in case of potential diseases that may be further investigated.

CFI - Coronary Flow Imaging to assess coronary artery blood flow and its main characteristics: The assessment of Coronary Blood Flow characteristics is meaningful in alnalyzing basal cardiac activity without any externally induced cardiac stress. When the CFI Colour Doppler preset is enabled, the signal coming from the coronary artery blood flow is optimized against many concomitant velocity components of blood flow present within the heart ventricles and atria. The combination of a Cardiac iQProbe and the dedicated CFI (Coronary Flow Imaging) preset offers a superior performance in CFM/PW modes for the detection and measurement of Coronary Flows.

XStrain: XStrain is a non-invasive tool for an enhanced investigation of myocardial function, allowing physicians to explore and quantify aspects of the heart’s physiology, which were not detectable or quantifiable with previous ultrasound technologies. Myocardial velocity, myocardial strain and strain rate can detect early impairment of pump functions (assessed as ejection fraction or stroke volume). Since it relies on angle-independent technology, XStrain allows assessment of both right and left ventricle contractibility. XStrain provides an innovative tool for the mechanical assessment of the heart’s wall motion. It can therefore provide quantitative support for standard echo examinations and be used to examine and monitor patients to identify cardiac wall motion early change signs.

Virtual Navigator advanced tool for Fusion Imaging (US & CT/MR/PET-CT): Virtual Navigator, with Fusion Imaging applied to US enhances the information produced by an Ultrasound Scanner by combining images with a second modality (CT, MR, PET or 3D US) in real-time: yielding all the benefits of different modalities in the same exam.

Virtual Biopsy - Advanced Biopsy also in very difficult approaches: Virtual Biopsy allows physicians to follow percutaneous procedures by superimposing the needle tracking information on the real-time ultrasound image.

The use of Contrast Agents in the USA is limited by FDA to the left ventricle opacification and to characterization of focal liver lesions.
ElaXto quantification is not for sales in the USA.
Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only. For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.

Additional Features

  • CMM - Compass M-Mode
  • XMM – eXtended M-Mode Imaging For Superior Image Quality
  • TVM - Tissue Velocity Mapping For LV Motion Analysis
  • AutoEF - Automatic Ejection Fraction Computation
  • ADM - Automatic Doppler Measurement
  • TEE - Transesophageal Applications
  • Q-Mode - CFM And M-Mode Simultaneous Representation
  • Integrated Stress Echo
  • Advanced Cardiac And Vascular Packages
  • TPView For Enlarged Field Of View, Specially In Breast And Vascular Exams
  • IP - Intelligent Positioning System In Virtual Navigator Modality To Define US Target At Best
  • View Finder - Accurate Verification/Anatomical Structure Evaluation During Tuning Phase In Virtual Navigator Modality
  • 4D Biopsy Guidance To Improve Biopsy Procedures Reliability
  • 3D-4D VRA Counting - Automatic Hypoechoic Spherical Target Volume Measurements & Counting
  • 3D Panoramic To Create A 3D Extended View By Merging Acquired Volumes
  • VPan - EXtended Field Of View
  • PBI - Pure Brilliance Imaging To Optimise And Enhance Image Quality

The use of contrast agents in the USA is limited by FDA to left ventricle opacification and visualization of the left ventricular endocardial border.
ElaXto quantification is not for sales in the USA.
Virtual Navigator is not available for sales in the USA.
QAS is not yet for sales in the USA.
Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.


MyLabClass C: Discover The Power Of Touch

You can download the ESAOTE LIBRARY APP iOS/Android in PlayStore/AppleStore on your personal tablet. A FREE registration to Esaote Library is required.


Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only. For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.


ESAOTE MyLabClass C - Discover the Power of Touch!

MyLabClass C: Performance, Simplicity and Ergonomics with a Single Touch. Your Comfort and Diagnostic Confidence.



Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only. For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.


Esaote E-shop

Sounds ultra good.

Accessories & spare-parts for Ultrasound systems

A rich selection of Ultrasound probes, printer, accessories, spare-parts, softwares – and whatnot – will be available for you to find exactly what you’re looking for. You are just one step away: register now to find all our Ultrasound goods.



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MyLabClass C - Connectivity

From the very beginning of the diffusion of Information Technology into the medical environment, Esaote has been recognized as a world leader in managing and sharing clinical data, providing a solid contribution to the revolution that is bringing the medical world to an unexpected level of efficiency.

For latest updates and/or any further information not included in this section, please contact connectivity(at)

MyLabDesk3 is not intended or provided for an official diagnostic interpretation.

Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only. For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.


Esaote suggests a complete range of dedicated Printers and DVRs which can be connected to your ultrasound scanner to allow the best image quality printing and cover any specific need in diagnostic archiving. Choose your own commercial printer and get the best image quality you wonder.

The Ultrasound Peripherals connectible to the echograph are system/configuration dependent.

To receive more info about the specific characteristics and the compatibility with the present ultrasound system, please send your requests to your Esaote sales representative.

Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only.
For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.


The MyLabClass C, manufactured by Esaote S.p.A., complies with the MDR 2017/745 and successive amendments. In accordance with this regulation, Esaote has classified it as Class IIa device.

Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only. For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.






LA533 appleprobe





LA332 appleprobe



TEE022 Multiplane

TEE132 Multiplane


CA541 appleprobe




C5-2 R13


BL433 appleprobe




TRT33 Bi-plane





Pencil CW 5

Pencil CW 2

Pencil HF CW

IOT342 appleprobe

IH 6-18

SI2C41 appleprobe


LA533 appleprobe
LA332 appleprobe
TEE022 Multiplane
TEE132 Multiplane
CA541 appleprobe
C5-2 R13
BL433 appleprobe
TRT33 Bi-plane
Pencil CW 5
Pencil CW 2
Pencil HF CW
IOT342 appleprobe
IH 6-18
SI2C41 appleprobe