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MyLab™X75: Enhancing the experience
Powered by the latest Esaote technology, MyLab™X75 offers ultrasound images with extraordinary clarity. The details representation and scanning fluidity guarantee excellent quality of examinations across all applications in General Imaging, Cardiovascular, Women’s Health, and Shared Service.
MyLab™X75 allows optimal patient care while increasing daily productivity via automatic optimization tools.
Designed with smart ergonomics to be light and silent, MyLab™X75 brings comfort to patients and operators in every clinical setting.
Benefit from the advanced technologies provided by MyLab™X75 while maximizing investment and productivity.
Enhancing the comfort every day
Light and Agile Workstation
MyLab™X75 is a powerful ultrasound system specially designed by Esaote engineers to be suitable for any clinical environment. It is light and compact to be easily moved anywhere with an integrated long-life battery.
Ergonomic and Silent
For over 40 years, Esaote has been constantly focusing on its customers’ needs. MyLab™X75 was designed to improve patient and operator comfort.
An intelligent control panel layout and smart ergonomics contribute to reducing work-related musculoskeletal disorders. The impressively silent operational workflow helps to create a quiet work environment.
Productive and Eco-Friendly
MyLab™X75 hardware and software are conceived to optimize examination times making it a really productive platform.
The system is manufactured with a particular attention to the use of eco-friendly materials including the electronic elements to support Esaote's vision of a greener world.
Enhancing the productivity
asyMode Solution
This patented Esaote tool helps to optimize images with 3 simple swipes. More than 40 parameters are managed via an intelligent software to reveal the expected image settings according to the scanning conditions.
Scan function allows to adjust the gain and the contrast of the image automatically.
Immediate Doppler Optimization
To take a step further in the scanning time reduction, MyLab™X75 supports the operator with specific tools for Doppler examinations. asyColor is an operational tool that helps optimize the Color Doppler layout with 3 swipes. The
Doppler automatically adjusts Pulsed Wave parameters to reach an optimized Doppler trace.
Automated Advanced Functions
MyLab™X75 can boost automated advanced functions and diagnostic capabilities in all applications:
- QElaxto 2D and QPack in General Imaging
- AutoEF, XStrain 2D/4D, QIMT, and QAS in Cardiovascular Imaging
- AutoOB, AutoNT, and AutoIT in Women’s Health Imaging
Direct Access to Presets
Thanks to dedicated presets, the operator is able to immediately start the examinations by getting the best clinical setting for each application. Short-cuts on the touchscreen with direct probe selection are also available.
Enhancing the connectivity capability
Telemedecine Capability
MyLab™X75 has been equipped with innovative connectivity tools to support remote connection and image sharing to meet today’s challenges.
- Follow-up compares any second-modality DICOM images in real-time
Streaming safely shares real-time scanning activities with selected viewers
- MyLab™Tablet exports the full dataset to any tablet device following the examination
- MyLab™Desk enables the review of previous examinations
- Lung web application is available as an external tool developed by Trento University (Italy) based on A.I. features to support clinicians in their scoring process
Contamination Reduction
MyLabRemote exclusive function is the perfect tool to limit any physical contact with the ultrasound device through the duplication of the control panel on various mobile devices.
Customer Care
Remote Technical Support
MyLab™X75 has been designed to provide an optimal user experience through remote assistance, console control sharing, and remote training, to quickly and effectively meet any request.
Probes Coverage
Srenity program provides coverage for all standard probes with no annual limits.
On-site Corrective Maintenance
Srenity program provides On-Site Corrective Maintenance that includes labor and necessary spare parts to repair the system.
3-year service coverage
Our mission is to protect and maximize the system performance by increasing the return on your investment.
To pursue this goal Esaote has created Srenity program, the 3-year service coverage aimed at allowing to focus only on diagnostic activity.
Conditions for service coverage may vary depending on your country.
MyLab is a trademark of Esaote spa. BI-RADS ® incorporates the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System ATLAS of the American College of Radiology, Copyright 1992, 1993, 1995, 1998, 2003, and 2013. The developer of this product is independently owned and operated, and is not an affiliate of the American College of Radiology. The American College of Radiology is not responsible for the contents or operation of this product or its associated software, and expressly disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities, expressed or implied, in connection therewith. CnTI™: The use of Contrast Agents in the USA is limited by FDA to the left ventricle opacification and to characterization of focal liver lesions. Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only.
For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.
Enhancing the experience in General Imaging
Outstanding Image Quality
MyLab™X75 combines detailed information and image homogeneity supported by an excellent contrast resolution and a smart management of the multiple depth zones. MyLab™X75 is Esaote's top class system in terms of vascularization imaging and Color Doppler sensitivity.
Comprehensive Liver Assessment
MyLab™X75 permits a complete liver assessment with advanced features such as: QElaxto 2D to assess liver stiffness, microV to enhance tissue vascularization, CNTI™ and QPack to perform contrast examination with contrast agent quantification, Follow Up Multimodality to compare any DICOM modality in real-time.
Beyond Clinical Expectations in Superficial Imaging
MyLab™X75 benefits from the expertise of Esaote in superficial imaging. Thanks to the high frequency IQProbe technology, specialists can take advantage of an impressive spatial resolution from deep to superficial areas.
Integrated Standardized Protocols
BI-RADS® and TI-RADS protocols support an easier classification of specific lesions directly from the touchscreen to the report form.
Enhancing the experience in Cardiovascular Imaging
Precise Imaging of Difficult-to-scan Patients
With the Single Crystal probe technology you can address all examination conditions, delivering a clear image to visualize high-speed cardiac structures. The detection of small vessel flows is performed through an excellent continuous wave sensitivity.
Immediate Quantification with
Zero-click Technology
AutoEF automatically assesses the left Ejection Fraction (EF). XStrain2D and XStrain4D give immediate layout of Global Longitudinal Strain (GLS). QIMT and QAS extend vascular assessments with automatic measurements of intima media thickness and artery stiffness.
Enhancing the experience in Women’s Health Imaging
Pregnancy Follow-up with Confidence
MyLab™X75 provides an extensive obstetric application package with dedicated presets optimized for each pregnancy stage and fetal heart amination. The automatic measurements proposed by the AutoOB function facilitates the workflow. The easy 3D/4D capability delivers high resolution in surface rendering, and the XSTIC depicts triplanar layout for advanced cardiac imaging.
High-frequency Imaging for Breast and Gynaecology
Esaote brings its expertise in high-frequency probes in gynaecology and breast explorations to deliver detailed imaging and high contrast resolution. ElaXto and microV provide further information about specific lesions such as stiffness and vascularization
Dedicated Tools in Reproductive Medicine
The VRA advanced tool facilitates follicles counting with automatic volume rendering.
MyLab is a trademark of Esaote spa. BI-RADS ® incorporates the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System ATLAS of the American College of Radiology, Copyright 1992, 1993, 1995, 1998, 2003, and 2013. The developer of this product is independently owned and operated, and is not an affiliate of the American College of Radiology. The American College of Radiology is not responsible for the contents or operation of this product or its associated software, and expressly disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities, expressed or implied, in connection therewith. CnTI™: The use of Contrast Agents in the USA is limited by FDA to the left ventricle opacification and to characterization of focal liver lesions. Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only.
For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.
MyLab™X75: Enhancing the experience
Operator manuals are available in different languages. Enter and download them.
MyLab is a trademark of Esaote spa. BI-RADS ® incorporates the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System ATLAS of the American College of Radiology, Copyright 1992, 1993, 1995, 1998, 2003, and 2013. The developer of this product is independently owned and operated, and is not an affiliate of the American College of Radiology. The American College of Radiology is not responsible for the contents or operation of this product or its associated software, and expressly disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities, expressed or implied, in connection therewith. CnTI™: The use of Contrast Agents in the USA is limited by FDA to the left ventricle opacification and to characterization of focal liver lesions. Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only.
For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.
MyLab™X75: Enhancing the experience
Powered by the latest Esaote technology, MyLab™X75 offers ultrasound images with extraordinary clarity. The details representation and scanning fluidity guarantee excellent quality of examinations across all applications in General Imaging, Cardiovascular, Women’s Health, and Shared Service.
MyLab™X75 allows optimal patient care while increasing daily productivity via automatic optimization tools. Designed with smart ergonomics to be light and silent, MyLab™X75 brings comfort to patients and operators in every clinical setting.
Benefit from the advanced technologies provided by MyLab™X75 while maximizing investment and productivity. ENHANCING THE EXPERIENCE.
The unseen continues to reveal itself
Our amazing journey continues with this live streaming event - the second of a series of three - where we explore new ultrasound technologies devoted to medical and healthcare fields. The main theme this time will be the Experience: the experience built up over 40 years by Esaote, but also the experiences of new illustrious guests who will join us and share their experiences. We will have the pleasure of listening to - and learning from - the experience of Professor Piscaglia, an expert in the field of diagnostic ultrasound imaging; other emeritus medical experts will further enhance our understanding of the important steps Esaote diagnostics systems have achieved, with the latest released technologies.
Heart & Vessels Health: Your Mission, Our Commitment
MyLab is a trademark of Esaote spa. BI-RADS ® incorporates the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System ATLAS of the American College of Radiology, Copyright 1992, 1993, 1995, 1998, 2003, and 2013. The developer of this product is independently owned and operated, and is not an affiliate of the American College of Radiology. The American College of Radiology is not responsible for the contents or operation of this product or its associated software, and expressly disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities, expressed or implied, in connection therewith. CnTI™: The use of Contrast Agents in the USA is limited by FDA to the left ventricle opacification and to characterization of focal liver lesions. Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only.
For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.
Sounds ultra good.
Accessories & spare-parts for Ultrasound systems
A rich selection of Ultrasound probes, printer, accessories, spare-parts, softwares – and whatnot – will be available for you to find exactly what you’re looking for. You are just one step away: register now to find all our Ultrasound goods.
MyLab™X75: Enhancing the experience
From the very beginning of the diffusion of Information Technology into the medical environment, Esaote has been recognized as a world leader in managing and sharing clinical data, providing a solid contribution to the revolution that is bringing the medical world to unexpected level of efficiency.
For latest updates and/or any further information not included in this section, please contact connectivity(at)esaote.com
MyLab™Desk is not intended or provided for an official diagnostic interpretation.
MyLab is a trademark of Esaote spa.
Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only.
For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.
MyLab™X75: Enhancing the experience
Esaote has a complete range of dedicated suggested Printers and DVRs which can be connected to your ultrasound scanner to allow the best printing image quality and cover any specific need for diagnostic archiving. Choose your own commercial printer and risk wondering if you get the best image quality.
The Ultrasound Peripherals connectible to the echograph are system/configuration dependent.
To receive more info about the specific characteristics and the compatibility with the present ultrasound system, please send your requests to your Esaote sales representative.
MyLab is a trademark of Esaote spa.
Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only.
For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.
The MyLab™X75, manufactured by Esaote S.p.A., complies with the MDR 2017/745 and successive amendments. In accordance with this regulation, Esaote has classified it as Class IIa device.
MyLab is a trademark of Esaote spa.
Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only.
For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.