Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries.

MRI Systems

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MyLabX90: Premium Ultrasound
with Augmented Insight

MyLab<sup>™</sup>X90 Experience Intelligent Imaging

A simple image can make the difference in treating your patients; Esaote is therefore committed now more than ever to providing you with the ultimate technologies in ultrasound imaging.

MyLabX90 is Esaote’s premium ultrasound platform, designed to deliver outstanding image quality and advanced clinical solutions.

MyLab<sup>™</sup>X90 Experience Intelligent Imaging

Bridging the clinical information and an A.I.-driven workflow for the first time, with MyLabX90, you will experience your first Intelligent Imaging ultrasound device.

MyLab<sup>™</sup>X90 ClearWave Architecture

ClearWave Architecture

ClearWave Architecture is the aggregation of the two components in image construction – Esaote’s ultimate XPower Beamforming and XSmart Postprocessing technologies – to deliver a new standard in terms of image quality.

Embedding the latest generation of electronics and processors, MyLabX90 is designed to face the new challenges of imaging stream management and authorizes connectivity with extreme security.

Providing a high level of protection against external threats, Windows® 10 enables data transfer, offers peace of mind in compliance with the GDPR and ensures the safety of patient data, while the power of the MyLabX90 GPU speeds up the transfer rate by up to four times, facilitating the multimodality approach and the use of live streaming.


* Compared to the previous line

MyLab<sup>™</sup>X90 Top-class medical imaging visualization

Top-class medical imaging visualization

eLed monitor Led monitor

  • 23.8” Full HD High Dynamic Range Monitor
  • Dual-Layer technology
  • Contrast resolution ratio x 40*
  • Higher sensitivity in brightness and color
  • Long lifespan and stability

Collaborating with Barco to equip its premium platform, Esaote demonstrates its product to be of the utmost quality. MyLabX90 embeds an exclusive eLed monitorLed monitor developed by Barco and optimised for this platform.

Dual-Layer LCD technology, the top-class in terms of picture rendering, offers brilliant colors, infinite contrast, fast response rate and viewing angles with higher stability over time.


*compared to conventional LCD technology.

High-tech design, maximum comfort

MyLab<sup>™</sup>X90 High-tech design, maximum comfort

New workflow gestures

With its extensive touchscreen, MyLabX90 is setting a new standard for workflow in ultrasound platform management, enabling intuitive real-time control of several parameters such as depth, zoom, sample gate, replay of cineloop or even certain measurements using only your fingers.

MyLab<sup>™</sup>X90 Optimal working environment

Optimal working environment

As a premium platform, MyLabX90 embeds an exclusive light sensor for automatic optimization of brightness to the scanning environment, while the Opti-Light feature is backlit for real-time lighting, providing invaluable comfort in everyday use, depending on conditions in the scanning room.

MyLab<sup>™</sup>X90 Customizable workstation

Customizable workstation

MyLabX90 has been designed for all expectations in terms of ergonomics. Different sizes of probe holders are available to fit the endocavity and convex or linear probes can be placed on two lateral rails.

An integrated gel warmer can be added to the rail with the choice of two temperature settings to improve patient comfort.

The high-quality articulating arm and its friction mechanism offer the option of lifting the monitor easily, keeping it in the optimum position chosen, and locking it during transportation.

XCrystal Technology, micro-slice imaging

Esaote-developed XCrystal technology dramatically increases sensitivity and penetration, to provide sharper images and homogeneity.

Esaote, indeed a benchmark for high-performance probe manufacturing, has designed a new generation of transducers to channel the ClearWave Architecture supported by MyLabX90, and to deliver topclass resolution imaging.

The ergonomic shape designed by Esaote engineering provides true comfort in everyday use.

MyLab<sup>™</sup>X90 XCrystal Technology

Towards excellence in very superficial imaging

A genuine technological breakthrough in very superficial explorations, the LMX 4-20, Esaote’s brand-new HD Single Crystal probe, combined with ClearWave Architecture is using wideband harmonics frequencies operating up to 25MHz and reveals unprecedent clarity in the smallest details without compromising the deeper areas.

MyLab<sup>™</sup>X90 excellence in very superficial imaging

MyLab<sup>™</sup>X90 Versatile connectivity

Versatile connectivity

Supported by a powerful architecture and high-tech components, MyLabX90 embraces the new trends in term of medical data streams with a complete offer of connectivity tools, such as:

  • MyLabTablet
  • MyLabDesk
  • MyLabRemote

The DICOM multimodality license enables a side-by-side display of any other DICOM dataset with real-time ultrasound scanning, which also opens up the cross-modality approach to perform navigation procedures with fluidity and speed courtesy of the high-capacity SSD and RAM.

eStreaming Streaming, for secure sharing of live scans

Either for education purposes such as collaborative and application and training sessions, this technology offers real-time streaming of ultrasound, together with picture-inpicture camera on your tablet, phone or laptop.

MyLab<sup>™</sup>X90 real-time streaming of ultrasound

Customer Care

Conditions for service coverage may vary depending on your country.

MyLab<sup>™</sup>X90 Customer Care

MyLab is a trademark of Esaote spa. Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. CnTI: The use of Contrast Agents in the USA is limited by FDA to the left ventricle opacification and to characterization of focal liver lesions. BreastNav and BreastNav MRI are powered by Medcom GmBH. Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only.
For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.

Features Insight

Augmented Insight: Esaote intelligent solutions

Augmented Insight: Esaote intelligent solutions

Augmented Insight embeds all the solutions powered by Artificial Intelligence, developed by the Research & Development department at Esaote according to a multidisciplinary approach, across different modalities such as Ultrasound, MRI and Ebit.

Based on data-driven machine learning, Augmented Insight is designed to simplify the workflow in repetitive gestures, complex procedures, measurements or lesions analysis.


eDetect Detect

Automatic contouring of thyroid and breast lesions in suspicious areas suggested (ROI) by the physicians



Automatic segmentation of the prostate MRI/US, followed by autoregistration of both modalities for targeted biopsies



Automatic Ejection fraction assessment of the left ventricle



Automatic proposals for fetal biometric measurements

Breast Mass Analysis

Breast Mass Analysis

BMA: Automatic proposal of breast lesion classification, inside a region of clinical interest (ROI)

BreastNav<sup>™</sup> MRI

BreastNav MRI

Automatic segmentation of the breast MRI and real-time fusion based on an adaptive 3D model

XStrain<sup>™</sup> LV

XStrain LV

Automatic assessment of global longitudinal strain in the left ventricle

Automatic Plan recognition

Automatic Plan recognition

Automatic biometric plan recognition for fetal measurements

MyLab<sup>™</sup>X90 - Diffuse liver disease assessment

Diffuse liver disease assessment

MyLabX90 offers a comprehensive multiparametric package for diffuse liver disease assessment.

Esaote’s QAI (Quantification Attenuation Imaging) technology provides mapping and quantification of the attenuation along the liver depth, to evaluate hepatic steatosis, completing the stiffness evaluation provided by QElaXto 2D, sophisticated Esaote shearwave elastosonography software with adjustable rejection tool and dispersion map visualization.

Data are automatically summarized in a report, to support diagnosis and easy follow-up.

MyLab<sup>™</sup>X90 - Early detection to therapy for liver lesions

Early detection to therapy for liver lesions

To leverage the detection and characterization of suspect lesions, Esaote’s Liver Package supports homogenous first-class-quality images through a wide selection of probes, enhancing details with sharpness and clarity even in challenging patients, while the evolution of microV technology takes advantage of its sensitivity with a higher frame rate and provides an outstanding visualization of the lowest flows.

MyLabX90 offers a panel of advanced tools for deeper examinations, to provide you with further information on complex clinical cases.

MyLab<sup>™</sup>X90 - Early detection to therapy for liver lesions

CnTI Clear, the latest implementation of Esaote’s Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound technology, increases performance via considerable persistency of contrast media and improves coverage of the deepest areas with information for liver tissue microperfusion.

Supporting interventional procedures, Virtual Navigator enables easy fusion imaging via an ultra-simplified workflow that includes all the advanced tools such as automatic registration, breathing and movement compensation and needle tracking.

Detail imaging as a new benchmark in musculoskeletal imaging

As an historic specialist in high-frequency probe manufacturing, Esaote offers a broad portfolio of transducers to cover all clinical needs in superficial examinations.

Thanks to XCrystal array technology, MyLabX90 provides an unparalleled level of detail imaging, from the ultra-near-field to deeper areas.

MyLab<sup>™</sup>X90 - Detail imaging as a new benchmark in musculoskeletal imaging

MyLab<sup>™</sup>X90 - No limits to the visualization of microvascularization

No limits to the visualization of microvascularization

Esaote pushes the limits of microvascularization imaging one step further, with the latest implementation of microV technology to detect the minutest flow, bringing precious clinical value in the early detection, diagnosis and follow-up of musculoskeletal injuries or lesions characterization.

Early detection in breast imaging, supported by A.I. solutions

Driven by Artificial Intelligence, Esaote’s solutions in breast ultrasound imaging open new horizons in early detection and second-look examinations.

Breast Mass Analysis combined with eDetect Detect technologies, both powered by A.I., increase the speed and consistency of lesion segmentation and help to provide reliable evaluation of the suspected areas.

BreastNav & BreastNav MRI offer the full breast package for a multimodality approach in one of the most mobile and variable organs in the human body, giving real-time feedback on the scanned area, for easy follow-up on a specific target.

In particular, BreastNav MRI – based on 3D-modeled A.I. technology – offers fusion imaging between prone MRI and supine US, where A.I. also provides automatic support for MRI breast segmentation.

MyLab<sup>™</sup>X90 - Early detection in breast imaging, supported by A.I. solutions

New standards in urology supported by A.I. workflow

Esaote offers a complete package of dedicated tools to suit all your needs in urology, either in the screening or interventional phases. MyLabX90 embeds UroFusion, Esaote’s ultimate A.I.-driven workflow solution for prostate navigation. Simplifying fusion at a level never reached before, UroFusion enables the automatic segmentation of the US and MRI prostate data to offer automatic registration, facilitating the procedure and increasing your confidence.

UroFusion, available for both transperineal and transrectal approaches, enables the combination of multiple series to easily spot the targets and is compatible with all other advanced modalities, including sample mapping, microV, CnTI and QElaXto 2D.

MyLab<sup>™</sup>X90 - New standards in urology supported by A.I. workflow

MyLab<sup>™</sup>X90 - Comprehensive offer in cardiovascular and women’s health applications

Comprehensive offer in cardiovascular and women’s health applications

MyLabX90 covers a 360° shared-service solution, embedding new workflow solutions powered by A.I. in cardiovascular and women’s health applications, to increase speed in standard measurements. It includes a full package of zero-click tools to facilitate the quantification of cardiovascular function, such as AutoEF, XStrain, HyperDoppler, QIMT or QAS.

AutoEF offers automatic A.I.-driven contouring of the left ventricle in 4 and 2 chambers, to assess ejection fraction, while XStrain enables zero-click detection of endocardial border profiles in the left ventricle and provides strain assessment of the right ventricle.

MyLabX90 embeds 3D flow representation, via BrightFlow technology and an A.I.-powered automatic plane recognition algorithm, which is combined with the AutoOB package to facilitate the workflow in fetal biometric measurements.

For advanced examinations, MyLabX90 offers a complete solution in 3D/4D, both in obsterics and gynecology, to provide volumetric representations.

MyLab<sup>™</sup>X90 - Comprehensive offer in cardiovascular and women’s health applications

MyLab is a trademark of Esaote spa. Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. CnTI: The use of Contrast Agents in the USA is limited by FDA to the left ventricle opacification and to characterization of focal liver lesions. BreastNav and BreastNav MRI are powered by Medcom GmBH. Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only.
For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.

Docs & Operator Manuals

MyLabX90: Premium Ultrasound with Augmented Insight


Operator manuals are available in different languages. Enter and download them.

MyLab is a trademark of Esaote spa. Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. CnTI: The use of Contrast Agents in the USA is limited by FDA to the left ventricle opacification and to characterization of focal liver lesions. BreastNav and BreastNav MRI are powered by Medcom GmBH. Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only.
For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.


MyLabX90: Premium Ultrasound with Augmented Insight

Augmented Insight embeds all the solutions powered by Artificial Intelligence, developed by the Research & Development department at Esaote according to a multidisciplinary approach, across different modalities such as Ultrasound, MRI and Ebit.

Based on data-driven machine learning, Augmented Insight is designed to simplify the workflow in repetitive gestures, complex procedures, measurements or lesions analysis.

MyLabX90: Experience intelligent imaging solutions

A single image can make the difference in treating your patients. Esaote is therefore committed now more than ever to providing you with the ultimate technologies in ultrasound imaging.

Ready to experience the unveiling of Esaote's latest Intelligent Imaging Solutions?

Augmented Insight

Thanks to your knowledge, I can assist you in reading every detail of your ultrasound images better and more thoroughly.

That's why in Esaote A.I. does not only mean Artificial Intelligence, but AUGMENTED INSIGHT.

MyLab is a trademark of Esaote spa. Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. CnTI: The use of Contrast Agents in the USA is limited by FDA to the left ventricle opacification and to characterization of focal liver lesions. BreastNav and BreastNav MRI are powered by Medcom GmBH. Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only.
For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.


Esaote E-shop

Sounds ultra good.

Accessories & spare-parts for Ultrasound systems

A rich selection of Ultrasound probes, printer, accessories, spare-parts, softwares – and whatnot – will be available for you to find exactly what you’re looking for. You are just one step away: register now to find all our Ultrasound goods.





MyLabX90: Experience Intelligent Imaging

From the very beginning of the diffusion of Information Technology into the medical environment, Esaote has been recognized as a world leader in managing and sharing clinical data, providing a solid contribution to the revolution that is bringing the medical world to unexpected level of efficiency.

For latest updates and/or any further information not included in this section, please contact connectivity(at)

MyLabDesk SW suite is not intended or provided for an official diagnostic interpretation.

MyLab is a trademark of Esaote spa.
Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only.
For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.


MyLabX90: Enhancing the experience
Esaote has a complete range of dedicated suggested Printers and DVRs which can be connected to your ultrasound scanner to allow the best printing image quality and cover any specific need for diagnostic archiving. Choose your own commercial printer and risk wondering if you get the best image quality.

The Ultrasound Peripherals connectible to the echograph are system/configuration dependent.

To receive more info about the specific characteristics and the compatibility with the present ultrasound system, please send your requests to your Esaote sales representative

MyLab is a trademark of Esaote spa.
Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only.
For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.


The MyLabX90, manufactured by Esaote S.p.A., complies with the MDR 2017/745 and successive amendments. In accordance with this regulation, Esaote has classified it as Class IIa device.

certifications TUV-CE - MDR

MyLab is a trademark of Esaote spa.
Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only.
For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.


LMX 4-20 XCrystal

LX 3-15 XCrystal appleprobe

CX 1-8 XCrystal appleprobe

L 3-11 appleprobe

L 8-24 appleprobe


IH 6-18

C 2-9

mC 3-11 appleprobe

PX 1-5

P 2-9

P2 5-13

E 3-12

TLC 3-13



BL433 appleprobe

TE 3-8

IL 4-13

LP 4-13

IOT342 appleprobe

Pencil CW 2

Pencil CW 5

LMX 4-20 XCrystal
LX 3-15 XCrystal appleprobe
CX 1-8 XCrystal appleprobe
L 3-11 appleprobe
L 8-24 appleprobe
IH 6-18
C 2-9
mC 3-11 appleprobe
PX 1-5
P 2-9
P2 5-13
E 3-12
TLC 3-13
BL433 appleprobe
TE 3-8
IL 4-13
LP 4-13
IOT342 appleprobe
Pencil CW 2
Pencil CW 5