MyLab™X75VET: The Ideal Partner
MyLab™X75VET is your perfect partner in acquiring high-quality ultrasound images across a wide range of veterinary clinical applications.
Equipped with smart ergonomics and advanced technologies, this dynamic dedicated veterinary system is light, silent, and efficient.
asyMode and
asyColor - “one-touch” image optimization through intelligent real-time algorithms
- First-class cardio image and advanced measurements package
- Immediate Doppler Optimization
- Direct access to presets
- QElaxto 2D to assess tissues stiffness
- microV to enhance tissue vascularization
- CnTI™ and QPack to perform contrast examination with contrast agent quantification
- Follow up Multimodality to compare any DICOM modality in real-time
MyLab™X75VET Features

Dedicated VET
Software and Probes

Comfort while scanning

Easy to Move

Quick Start-up


Connectivity Capabilities

Integrated long-life battery
3-year service coverage
Our mission is to protect and maximize the system performance by increasing the return on your investment.
To pursue this goal Esaote has created the 3-year service coverage aimed at allowing to focus only on diagnostic activity.
MyLab is a trademark of Esaote spa. Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only. For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative.