Veterinary Ultrasound Webinars
With periodic series of webinar sessions held by important Key Opinion Leaders and qualified veterinary doctors at an International level we will keep you updated on the latest developments in Veterinary Ultrasonography.
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Webinars Esaote Ultrasound

Advancing knowledge on common congenital heart diseases
Courtesy of: Claudio Bussadori, DVM, MD, PhD, Dipl.ECVIM Cardiology Clinica Veterinaria Gran Sasso, Milan, Italy
This webinar provides an overview of common congenital heart diseases in dogs, with a focus on diagnosis and management. Gain valuable insights into prevalent conditions, advanced diagnostic techniques, and effective therapeutic strategies to enhance patient outcomes.
The role of echocardiography in assessing mitral valve severity
Courtesy of: Federica Marchesotti, DVM, Dipl ECVIM-CA (Cardiology) AniCura Veterinary Clinic, Novara, Italy
Echocardiography is the main imaging modality for assessing mitral valve abnormalities and disease severity. This is an update on the echocardiographic measurements used to evaluate the hemodynamic consequences of mitral valve disease and how they can guide clinical decision making and any subsequent medical treatment.
Practical tips for the diagnosis and management of calcaneal tendon injury in dogs
Courtesy of: Kara Amstutz, DVM, CCRT, CVPP, CVA, American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation
This lecture reviews the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and non-surgical therapeutic options for calcaneal tendon injuries in dogs.
A better way to screen cats for Heart Disease: a look at recent literature
Courtesy of: Mara Bagardi, DVM, PhD, Veterinary University of Milan (Italy)
This webinar covers cutting-edge research published in the field of feline echocardiography. Screening techniques based on the latest research and guidelines are discussed. The focus is on describing the most accurate way to identify and classify cardiac problems in cats.
Assessing exotic animal health with ultrasound technology
Courtesy of: Petra Schnitzer, DVM, GPCert (Exotic Animal Practice) MANZCVS Medicine of Australasian Wildlife Dipl. American College of Exotic Pet Medicine Master in Small Animal Ultrasound
This webinar provides an introduction to exotic animal medicine and explores the impact of ultrasound technology. It uncovers the invaluable role of ultrasound in diagnosing, monitoring and treating a wide array of exotic species.
Pulmonary stenosis: new classification and treatment options
Courtesy of: Claudio Bussadori, DVM, MD, PhD, Dipl.ECVIM Cardiology Clinica Veterinaria Gran Sasso, Milan, Italy
Pulmonary stenosis remains a complex disease with many variations that can often make proper classification difficult. What to do once the diagnosis is made? In this webinar, we illustrate the various therapeutic options, from classic pulmonary valvuloplasty to the latest techniques in hybrid cardiac surgery and extracorporeal circulation.
Echoes from the neck: what’s inside and case studies.
Courtesy of: Laura Martinelli, DVM, MSc Veterinary University of Milan, Italy
This webinar provides a comprehensive understanding of the anatomy and pathology of the canine neck, enabling accurate diagnostic evaluation. The speaker provides valuable insights into ultrasound imaging techniques specifically designed for neck examination, such as probe selection, positioning, and interpretation of ultrasound findings.
Ultrasonographic diagnosis and current treatments of the equine tendons and ligament lesions. Let’s go beyond the basics.
Courtesy of: Giorgio Corraretti, DVM MRCVS CertAVP, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Milan, Italy.
This webinar aims to provide the equine practitioner with knowledge that goes beyond the basic skills, to increase his/her diagnostic and therapeutic abilities.
POCUS of the pleural space: maximizing success at diagnosing pneumothorax and pleural effusion
Courtesy of: Soren Boysen, DVM, DACVECC, Chair of the VECCUS educational commission, Professor Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, Department of Veterinary Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Calgary, Canada.
Several recent studies have demonstrated very poor to moderate agreement between thoracic FAST protocols and CT scans when it comes to diagnosis of pleural effusion and pneumothorax. This should not be the case!
Usefulness of abdominal POCUS in the emergency room
Courtesy of: Dr. Laura Cole, MA VetMB MVetMed Cert VPS PgCert VetEd Cert AVP (ECC) DipECVECC DipACVECC MRCVS FHEA. Chair of the VECCUS (veterinary emergency and critical care ultrasound) interest group.
This lecture focuses on the use of abdominal POCUS in traumatic and non-traumatic emergency cases. It discusses the usefulness of abdominal POCUS in assisting in the decision-making process in the emergency setting, its role in expediting further diagnostics, and discusses the limitations of POCUS.
Cardiac POCUS: evaluation of heart function in ECC
Courtesy of: Maxime Cambournac DrMedVet, DipECVECC Vice-Chair of the VECCUS (veterinary emergency and critical care ultrasound) interest group Head of the Emergency and Intensive Care Unit, CHV Fregis, Arcueil, France
Cardiac dysfunction is a common clinical condition in veterinary emergencies and critical care. Unlike complete echocardiography, point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) is an easy question-based, goal-oriented and limited ultrasound examination, targeted to identify dysfunction compatible with physical examination, or to exclude cardiogenic causes, and to prioritize and guide emergency treatment and limit differential diagnosis. This presentation reviews the methodology, clinical indications, and limitations of cardiac POCUS in the context of critically ill small animals.
Updates on point-of-care lung ultrasound in cats and dogs
Courtesy of: Andrea Armenise, DVM, Co-Chair of the VECCUS (veterinary emergency and critical care ultrasound) scientific commission Small animal cardiology and abdominal ultrasonography service consulting, Bari, Italy
The focus of this lecture is to review the techniques available and the clinical applications of lung ultrasound in emergencies and critical care for small animals. Recent updates on human and veterinary literature are presented and the emergent role of diaphragmatic ultrasound is also discussed.
Major congenital diseases of the right heart sectors
Courtesy of: Claudio Bussadori, DVM, MD, PhD, Dipl. ECVIM (Cardiology) Clinica Veterinaria Gran Sasso, Milan (Italy)
This lecture deals with the characteristics of the most common congenital diseases of the right heart, considering the epidemiological data, clinical and pathophysiological specificities, echocardiographic and instrumental diagnostic aspects and therapeutic possibilities.
Next steps in feline echocardiography
Courtesy of: Luca Ferasin, DVM, PhD, CertVC, PGCert(HE), Dipl. ECVIM-CA (Cardiology), GPCert(B&PS), FRCVS
This webinar describe challenges and limitations of the echocardiographic examination in feline patients. The presenter mentions the utility and clinical relevance of the current classification of feline cardiomyopathy from an echocardiographic perspective.
Esame ecocardiografico del paziente con malattia mitralica cronica e nuovi approcci terapeutici
Courtesy of: Claudio Bussadori, DVM, MD, PhD, Dipl. ECVIM (Cardiology) Clinica Veterinaria Gran Sasso, Milan (Italy)
Argomento cardine di questo incontro è stata la malattia valvolare mitralica cronica. Come ottenere una corretta diagnosi e un'accurata stadiazione?
Ultrasound of Lumps and Bumps in Small Animals
Courtesy of: Professor Dr. Susanne Stieger-Vanegas, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVDI
This webinar focuses on the ultrasonographic assessment of superficial lesions. The normal ultrasonographic pattern for skin, fat, muscle, tendon, bone and lymph nodes are described. Ultrasound characteristic of commonly occurring swellings including abscess, lipoma, cyst, muscle and tendon injury, neoplasia are described and classic cases examples are presented.
WODB: which one doesn't belong?
Courtesy of: Laura Martinelli, DVM, MSc Veterinary University of Milan (Italy)
Diagnostic imaging of foreign bodies can be challenging as they are often difficult to identify and characterize. The purpose of this lecture is to provide example cases that could be useful in understanding how to formulate the investigation of foreign bodies and the main focus of attention.
1. Ultrasound Application for Emergency Cases - 2. Basic Echocardiographic Parameters
Speaker 1: Laura Martinelli, DVM, MSc Veterinary University of Milan, Italy
Paul A. Cardenio DVM, MS Petlandia Veterinary Clinic, Veterinary Cardiology Group of the Philippines
In this session two important topics are the protagonists. The most recent Emergency Care guidelines and protocols are presented in the first half of the webinar by Dr.ssa Laura Martinelli. The second half is dedicated to a lecture by Dr. Paul A. Cardenio about clinical importance, common pitfalls, and limitations of the basic echocardiographic parameters.
Ultrasound examination of the shoulder joint in dogs
Courtesy of: Dr. Gabriele Barella DVM, PhD, Clinica Veterinaria ANICURA CMV, Varese (Italy)
This webinar will focus on the ultrasonographic approach to the shoulder joint, with a reference to the main diseases linked to forelimb lameness in canine patients.
Clinical diagnosis and imaging of endocarditis in dogs and cats
Courtesy of: Claudio Bussadori, DVM, MD, PhD, Dipl. ECVIM (Cardiology) - Clinica Veterinaria Gran Sasso, Milan
Clinical diagnosis and imaging of endocarditis in dogs and cats: a detailed review of diagnostic criteria and therapeutic strategies through the study of various clinical cases....
Ultrasound of the intestinal tract in small animal patients - Is it inflammation or neoplasia?
Professor Dr. Susanne Stieger-Vanegas, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVDI
In the webinar normal anatomy of the small intestines including wall layering and thickness as well as luminal content are described...
Ultrasound imaging of the stomach, duodenum and pancreas in cats and dogs
Professor Dr. Susanne Stieger-Vanegas, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVDI.
In this presentation, you will learn about differences in the normal sonographic appearance of these organs in the dog and cat ...
Echocardiographic examination of the cat
Courtesy of: Dr. Luca Ferasin, DVM PhD CertVC PGCert(HE) DipECVIM-CA (Cardiology) GPCert(B&PS) FRCVS
European (EBVS) and RCVS Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Cardiology
Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeon.
In this webinar, Dr.Luca Ferasin explains efficient and cat friendly restraint techniques ...
L'esame ecocardiografico nel cane
Courtesy of: Claudio Bussadori, DVM, MD, PhD, Dipl. ECVIM (Cardiologia) - Clinica Veterinaria Gran Sasso, Milano
Lo scopo dell'incontro è lo studio della corretta esecuzione delle scansioni ecocardiografiche...
Liver ultrasonographic study in dogs and cats
Courtesy of: Laura Martinelli, DVM, MSc - Veterinary University of Milan (Italy)
In this session we discuss the approach to ultrasonographic examination of the liver and its main pathologies in dogs and cats...
Anatomy, pathophysiology and echocardiographic study of the right ventricle in small animals
Courtesy of: Claudio Bussadori, DVM, MD, PhD, Dipl. ECVIM (Cardiology) Clinica Veterinaria Gran Sasso, Milan (Italy)
The aim of this webinar is to investigate the anatomical features of the right ventricle. How these features affect pathophysiological...
Ultrasound imaging of the urinary tract in cats and dogs
Courtesy of: Professor Dr. Susanne Stieger-Vanegas, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVDI
In this lesson, we will talk about the common ultrasonographic findings in the normal and diseased urinary tract in dogs and cats...
Ultrasound-guided biopsies. How to perform a good biopsy and overcome the most common fears
Courtesy of: Pablo Gómez Ochoa, DVM, MSc, PhD, MDU
By observing multiple ultrasound clinical cases we will testify to the importance of this technique and how it could support the doctor in getting the right diagnosis.
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