• COP - Communication on Progress

    COP - Communication on Progress

COP - Communication on Progress

Esaote S.p.A. supports the UN’s Ten Principles and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030. By recognizing its values in them, the Group is actively committed to their implementation in its sphere of influence.

Esaote COP - Communication on Progress  COP - Communication on Progress

By signing up to the UN Global Compact, Esaote S.p.A. has decided to take a step further: to declare its commitment to an inclusive and sustainable economic model. At the same time, it has committed to implementing and encouraging – within its own sphere of influence – the social and ecological standards set out in the Ten Principles.

The Communication on Progress Report demonstrates that Esaote intends to actively integrate and continue to promote the fundamental principles of the UN Global Compact in its strategic vision, as well as in the day-to-day operations of the Company. Esaote would like to thank everyone who is supporting this initiative and sharing their efforts to do so.


Interview with Ombretta Faggiano - Group Sustainability Officer