- Overview
SUITESTENSA Visit Data Management is the software to manage all diagnostic, administrative and follow-up aspects of the cardiologist specialist and their outpatients and inpatients: from diagnosis to report and discharge letter, including data and images of all examinations performed (hemodynamic procedures, ECG, echocardiography, etc.).
It has the peculiarity of being completely configurable: the fields to be filled in and the related items are closely related to the types of visits that are carried out on a specific site. Through the visit reporting module it will be possible, for example, to prepare specific templates of referral tabs for each type of visit.
Main features:
- High configurability and customization
- Shared clinical history
- Dedicated reports for each type of visit with dedicated iconography:
- First Cardiological Vist (medical history, physical examination)
- General Cardiological Vist
- Specialist Cardiological Visits (Holter, Stress Test, Scintigraphy, Ergometric Test, Tilt Test, Sports Medicine Visit)
- Follow-up Visits (PM/ICD schedule check)
- Multidisciplinary Visits (including ECG and/or US examination related to the visit).
- Other (defined according to site-specific requirements)
- Possibility of attaching previous clinical documents
- Integration with existing HIS systems
Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only. For further details, please, contact your EBIT sales representative.