Focus in and focus out in the Esaote's universe
A collection of information and visions arising from four points of observation: Milestones, Outcomes, Relations and Evolution. A way to tell our identity, to present our achievements and to share our point of view on the issues of wellbeing and innovation.
More is both a promise and a wish: to continue to look beyond the limits that everyday reality sems to impose but which technology and human imagination together can transform into horizons.
MORE is born: focus in and focus out on the Esaote universe with a new content format
Milestones, Outcomes, Relations and Evolution: four key points for the new Esaote observatory
Since 1982, Esaote has gone through many stages of growth and has faced several changes. It has absorbed culture and influenced transformations in the healthcare sector. What has not changed, however, is the way we look at innovation, which remains a process of developing ideas and knowledge aimed at creating new products to contribute to people's wellbeing. Technological innovation is a process that feeds on the skills and initiative of those who work within it and on the relations with the wishes and requirements of the society in which it is embedded. Throughout its history, Esaote has been a witness to and protagonist of research in the healthcare sector thanks to the network of collaborations with technologically advanced companies and the medical and scientific community.
We are now keen to share our point of view on the issues of wellbeing and innovation. We will do this through a collection of information and visions arising from four points of observation:
- The history and values of Esaote, our Milestones, which define what we are today.
- Our teams' results and targets. These are the Outcomes, based on technology, design, new markets, partnerships.
- The relationships between Esaote people and the wealth of ideas and skills that connect Esaote to society. These are the Relations, which bring the organisation to life, even in its relationship with the environment with which it is confronted on a daily basis.
- Scenarios that prepare us for the future. In the Evolution section, we will collect the voices that inspire us most and the transformations that help us understand the context in which we operate
MORE is both a promise and a wish: to continue to look beyond the limits that everyday reality seems to impose, but which technology and human imagination can transform into horizons. We are at the heart of a great transformation and we will use this small observatory to forget the limits and build up relationships.
The identity of Esaote told through its values, its history, its culture. A journey into the world of ...
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Chief Sustainability Officer, a new position required to implement the transition
In recent years, attention to sustainability and corporate social responsibility has intensified all over the world. In many cases, it has also resulted in contradictions between organizations’ intentions and their actual strategic decisions.
Interview with Ombretta Faggiano: United Nations Global Compact and Sustainability
By signing up to the UN Global Compact, Esaote S.p.A. has decided to take a step further: to declare its commitment to an inclusive and sustainable economic model. Watch the interview with Ombretta Faggiano, Group Sustainability Officer Esaote Group, to discover more.
Beyond the pandemic. The concept of syndemics and aspects of anthropology in medicine.
We simultaneously form part of multiple systems: every decision and choice we make has repercussions on the lives of other living beings and triggers changes in one or more of the environments we inhabit (economic, natural, social, health, etc.)...
Control and prevention of the risk of possible infections from ultrasound systems and probes
Experience at Esaote, an international group working in the field of medical diagnostic imaging and pH laboratories for 40 years.
Beyond standards. Human-machine relations: safety and usability.
A machine is a complex object, designed to extend people’s capabilities. In the healthcare sector, a technological device can improve doctors’ potential to make a diagnosis, by increasing their perception, organizing and synthesizing data...
A medical imaging company that’s on the move
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic nearly two years ago forced many healthcare companies to urgently change their established production plans to focus on this top priority...