More - A Focus on Esaote's World

Esaote S.p.A will cooperate with CNR-IMATI in the 2-years fellowship funded by Regione Liguria for research activities in image fusion of MR and ultrasound images for the diagnosis of muscle-skeletal pathologies.

A 2-years fellowship has been funded to CNR-IMATI by Regione Liguria for increasing the levels of competence, participation and training success in university or equivalent education (COD. RLFO18ASSRIC/63/1).

More - A Focus on Esaote's World

The research activity will be done in cooperation with Esaote S.p.A. and will be focused on the image fusion, covering the study and development of innovative methods for the fusion, analysis, and visualisation of 3D data acquired by magnetic resonance and ultrasound for the diagnosis and follow-up of inflammatory and/or degenerative pathologies, under the scientific supervision of Dr. Giuseppe Patanè. If you are interested in participating to the selection procedure see the CNR-IMATI web site: or contact Giuseppe Patane’ (

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