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Esaote has worked for many years with the University of Florence and, among the ongoing collaborations, the research developed in collaboration with the Department of Statistics, Computer Science and Applications “Giuseppe Parenti” (DISIA), has been particularly fruitful in order to make the production process of ultrasound probes more efficient.

In collaboration with Rossella Berni, professor of Statistical Quality Control at the graduate courses of the University of Florence, Italy, we have created a wide-ranging study which allows us to evaluate the critical points of the production process in all the details, and to verify them.

On occasion of the event "Statistics and Engineering for the businesses world ", organized by the Inter-university Research Center SteEring: design, quality and reliability ( jontly with itEnbis – the Italian part of the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics ( - held on June 4th 2018 at the University of Florence, Esaote presented a case study devoted to a convex-type ultrasound probe (typically used for abdominal and for gynecology-obstetrics diagnostic imaging) aimed at showing how statistical methods for quality control and reliability, together with engineering techniques oriented to problem solving, have played a key role for improving the production process. During this Conference we interviewed Rossella Berni, who is also Director of the Research Center StEering and who has planned and handled such event for improving the connection between Engineering and Statistics in Companies.


Statistics and engineering in the field of ultrasound diagnostic systems: the collaboration between DISIA (University of Florence) and Esaote

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Esaote Awarded

Esaote awarded the Golden A 'Design Award

Esaote is proud to announce that the International Academy of Design granted the Golden A’ Design Award to the new ultrasound platform MyLab9.


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