Following the international success of the Educational Vet Ultrasound Webinars we held in previous years, appreciated by thousands of veterinary doctors all over the world, also this year Esaote Veterinary ULTRASOUND proposes a series of webinars hosted by international renowned speakers from Europe and the USA.
FREE SUBMISSION available to each single event by simply clicking on the REGISTER NOW button in the VET eAcademy 2023 Webinar Program listed here below.
Esaote Online Webinars Ultrasound

Major congenital diseases of the right heart sectors
March 21st 2023, 4:30 - 6:00 PM CET
Claudio Bussadori, DVM, MD, PhD, Dipl.ECVIM Cardiology, Clinica Veterinaria Gran Sasso, Milan, Italy
This lecture will deal with the characteristics of the most common congenital diseases of the right heart, considering the epidemiological data, clinical and pathophysiological specificities, echocardiographic and instrumental diagnostic aspects and therapeutic possibilities.
Updates on point-of-care lung ultrasound in cats and dogs
May 9th 2023, 4:30 - 6:00 PM CEST
Andrea Armenise, DVM, Co-Chair of the VECCUS scientific commission, Small animal cardiology and abdominal ultrasonography service consulting, Bari, Italy
The focus of this lecture is to review the techniques available and the clinical applications of lung ultrasound in emergencies and critical care for small animals. Recent updates on human and veterinary literature will be presented and the emergent role of diaphragmatic ultrasound will also be discussed , as will the pitfalls.
Cardiac POCUS: evaluation of heart function in ECC
July 11th 2023, 4:30 - 6:00 PM CEST
Maxime Cambournac, DVM, DipECVECC, Vice-Chair of the VECCUS interest group, Head of the Emergency and Intensive Care Unit, CHV Fregis, Arcueil, France
Cardiac dysfunction is a common clinical condition in veterinary emergencies and critical care. Unlike complete echocardiography, point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) is an easy question-based, goal-oriented and limited ultrasound examination, targeted to identify dysfunction compatible with physical examination, or to exclude cardiogenic causes, and to prioritize and guide emergency treatment and limit differential diagnosis. This presentation will review the methodology, clinical indications, and limitations of cardiac POCUS in the context of critically ill small animals.
Usefulness of abdominal POCUS in the emergency room
September 12th 2023, 4:30 - 6:00 PM CEST
Laura Cole, DVM, Cert VPS PgCert VetEd Cert AVP (ECC) ECVECC, ACVECC, MRCVS, FHEA, Chair of the VECCUS interest group, Clinician in Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, University of London, UK
This lecture will focus on the use of abdominal POCUS in traumatic and non-traumatic emergency cases. It will discuss the usefulness of abdominal POCUS in assisting in the decision-making process in the emergency setting, its role in expediating further diagnostics, and will discuss the limitations of POCUS.
POCUS of the pleural space: maximizing success at diagnosing pneumothorax and pleural effusion
November 14th 2023, 4:30 - 6:00 PM CET
Soren Boysen, DVM, DACVECC, Chair of the VECCUS educational commission, Professor Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, Department of Veterinary Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Calgary, Canada
Several recent studies have demonstrated very poor to moderate agreement between thoracic FAST protocols and CT scans when it comes to diagnosis of pleural effusion and pneumothorax. This should not be the case! Using a binary approach, assessing the patient, knowing where pathology accumulates, identifying natural pleural and lung ultrasound (PLUS) borders, and asking the right clinical questions based on clinical findings increases diagnostic accuracy. It also makes point-of-care ultrasound quick and easy to learn. This lecture will focus on a practical approach to PLUS ultrasound that considers clinical findings and challenges current protocols by asking the question: “where will pathology accumulate?”, and subsequently, “what should we be looking for in an ultrasound to answer binary, relevant, rapid, clinical, and often lifesaving questions?”. Don’t simply place the probe on the patient or expect a “one-protocol-fits-all” approach to be applicable to all situations; ask the right question and know how to modify protocols to increase the chance of success with pleural space and lung pathology!
Ultrasonographic diagnosis and current treatments of the equine tendons and ligament lesions. Let’s go beyond the basics
December 12th 2023, 4:30 - 6:00 PM CET
Giorgio Corraretti, DVM MRCVS CertAVP, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Milan, Italy
This webinar aims to provide the equine practitioner with knowledge that goes beyond the basic skills, to increase his/her diagnostic and therapeutic abilities. It will entail an in-depth consideration of ultrasound diagnosis and the treatment of commonly encountered musculoskeletal lesions, such as conditions of the digital sheath, the pastern, the podotrochlear apparatus, the suspensory apparatus, and others.
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