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Veterinary referral centre looks forward to higher throughput following MRI upgrade

Northwest Referrals in Wigan has upgraded its veterinary MRI scanner to an Esaote Vet Grande. Managing director James Weston said: “Our current Esaote scanner was the single most reliable piece of kit in the practice, with very few faults or breakdowns in the 16 years it has been used. We wanted to increase the throughput on the MRI and this enables us to not raise the cost to our customers, even with the expenditure of the new scanner. Our aim was to improve image quality and scan times significantly with the new scanner, which it has proved to do.”

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Read other VET interviews

The impact of Vet-MR Grande on Neurology and Surgery

The impact of Vet-MR Grande on Neurology and Surgery

Interview Dr. Beatrix Nanai -head of the Surgery/Neurology department at the Veterinary Emergency Referral Center, Pensacola (FL), USA.


Utilisation de l’IRM Esaote Vet-MR Grande

Utilisation de l’IRM Esaote Vet-MR Grande

Aujourd’hui, il est établi que l’IRM peut apporter de nouvelles informations indispensables au diagnostic vétérinaire, en complément du scanner, reconnu pour sa résolution spatiale élevée.



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