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Talk neurosonologia clinica - stenosi carotidea - parte 2
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Talk neurosonologia clinica - stenosi carotidea - parte 1
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Thyroid Ultrasound Examination - Lesions and Therapy
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Study of intracardiac vortices: a new opportunity for the cardiologist
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Ultrasound Targeted Biopsies with UroFusion
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Best practices in ultrasound carotids examination
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The value of very high-frequency probes in the diagnostic work-up of spondyloarthritis
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AI and tailored solutions to enhance Radiology outcomes
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Ultrasound approach to patients with liver diseases - Practical demonstrations
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Best practices in upper limb ultrasound examination
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Breast Imaging - Ultrasound Navigation with BreastNav™ & BreastNav™ MRI
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Abdominal - Kidney Total Approach - Practical Demonstrations (Part 2)
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Abdominal - Kidney Total Approach - Clinical Case Studies (Part 1)
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Prof. Luigi Solbiati at Moscow Radiology Congress on May 25, 2021
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Abdominal - Liver Total Approach - Clinical Case Studies (Part 1)
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Abdominal - Liver Total Approach - Practical Demonstrations (Part 2)
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Best practices in ultrasound cardiac examination
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Ultrasonagraphy in diagnosis and assessment of gout arthritis
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The hydrochemical neurolysis of entrapment neuropathies, a new therapeutic procedure
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Covid-19 Pneumonia Lung Ultrasound (LUS) - Theoretical aspects and practical demonstrations
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Thyroid nodules biopsies: from the fine-needle aspiration to the core-needle - Why and How
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Salivary gland ultrasonography in primary Sjögren’s syndrome
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Musculoskeletal - Watching the coracoid area beyond the usual
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Speckle tracking strain: from methodology to clinical applications
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Primary hyperparathyroidism: the quest for the adenoma
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Rheuma eAcademy Programme - Ultrasound of enthesitis in inflammatory rheumatic diseases
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Rheuma eAcademy Programme - Sonography and Rheumatoid Arthritis
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Rheuma eAcademy Programme - Details make perfection...Ultrasound Imaging Biomarkers of Rheumatic Diseases
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Rheuma eAcademy Programme - Ultrasound for management of GCA, PMR and Large vessel vasculitis
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New topics for 2D SWE in the evaluation of liver stiffness
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Non-invasive Hemodynamic Assessment
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Abdominal Ultrasound Imaging with Contrast
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Thyroid Ultrasound Examination - Lesions and Therapy
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Ultrasound of the shoulder: current concepts and future perspectives
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How to scan for cortical malformations
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The history of Strain from tissue doppler to Global Longitudinal strain, and its clinical applications
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ECR 2020 LIVER WEBINARS - Liver Lesions during a CEUS examination
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ECR 2020 BREAST WEBINARS - Breast Ultrasound and future perspectives
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ECR 2020 MSK WEBINARS - Ultrasound guided percutaneous treatment of shoulder calcific tendinopathy
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WEBINAR - Clino, Ortostatismo e Imaging Dinamico: il nuovo gold standard in RM muscolo-scheletrica?
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SIRM 2020 - RM Sotto carico & Imaging di Fusione What's New?
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SIRM MSK 2019 - Faccette articolari e biopsie con imaging di fusione multimodale: dove la precisione è l’elemento fondamentale - Parte I e II
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